Showing posts with label # mindset #motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label # mindset #motivation. Show all posts

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

The Problem Could be You?

We often assume we know what the other person was intending to do ‘to us’. The only thing we really know is the reaction we had to the other person’s behavior. Recognize that they may not have ‘meant’ to disrespect (or hurt, or ignore or control) you. Also recognize that if you are the perpetrator, just because your motive was innocent, that doesn’t negate the feelings the other person experienced.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Play the Game of your life (It’s Your Only One)

Play is living in the NOW without thought of past or future. I think it’s a worthy goal. Sometimes it’s harder to make than money. Playing is laughter and love and challenge and immediacy..