Tuesday, 21 October 2014

The Problem Could be You?

We often assume we know what the other person was intending to do ‘to us’. The only thing we really know is the reaction we had to the other person’s behavior. Recognize that they may not have ‘meant’ to disrespect (or hurt, or ignore or control) you. Also recognize that if you are the perpetrator, just because your motive was innocent, that doesn’t negate the feelings the other person experienced.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Life according to “Woody”

Humour is indeed the best medicine there is whenever you are. I mean anyone can pay good money to listen to a comedian just to make you wet your pants after laughing so hard. Despite of what’s been happening, and to those who has gone though the ordeal, it’s better to just laugh while facing the troubles with a clear mind than anger with a clouded vision.

1. “Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.” It sounds good to me, I mean the practicality of all things does involve money but it doesn’t have to take an arm and a leg to get it.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Be the Chooser, Not a Victim!

Being The Chooser means taking initiative for your outcomes: Firstly  you are in charge of creating what you want in life. You do not restrict yourself to what or who chooses you.

Secondly, You are never stuck!  You always have choices, even if you don’t know what your choices are. Don’t allow impulse or lack of information to result in a poor choice.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Make your Mark! Part Three

It is by giving of ourselves that we truly realize our worth and create a legacy for ourselves and for others.

It was a move that ultimately saved my business. I had to cut staff to bare bones and return to a revolving door of free interns every ninety days. Frustrating, but affordable. And while it has taken the last four years, we are back solidly and I am now reinventing myself again.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Make your Mark! Part Two

Life is about choices and each of us is the reflection of the choices we have made to date. We can remain as we have chosen or make new choices and change our direction and our reality.

It was time for a change. I knew that my mother and great-grandfather and even my godmother had all lived their passions, and that life was too short not to go in the direction of my dreams. So I quit. I’d never quit a job before, and it was an amazing relief. I took three months off to think about my next step, and I decided to return to school for interior design in Birmingham, Alabama where I had worked previously. I already had a four-year degree and wanted the shortest, most direct route to my new career. I knew Birmingham had a low cost of living that would enable me to focus on school for six months before needing to combine that with a full-time job. I did it, and it worked!

The Lesson: Life is about risk, both known (calculated) and unknown. If we knew it all, we would have no opportunities for growth and surprise. Change your definition of risk to opportunity.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Make your Mark! Part One

Timing is everything, and when we are ready opportunities will appear, sometimes we have to allow the time to be ready.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Choose to Decide, Decide to Choose!

Choose… decide… and believe that you are choosing the best option. Be ready to face its consequences: good and bad.